when i bought hubby his iTouch about a year ago, i never understood what that small little gadget could do apart from keeping and playing his favourite songs. I thought that it was just a bigger version of my ipod nano and a gadget that looks a lot like the iphone. Over the months though, hubby "cracked" or "de-coded" some stuffs and downloaded several applications like the weather, dictionary, calculator (or does it already come with the iTouch), task lists, contacts lists etc.
and the only application that i understood and used was the game Lexitron, which was a version of the text twist game. Lately though, he made another remarkable "cracking session" and viola, the iTouch became so usable.. for me. Now i understood what hubby was raving about a year ago. We could actually surf the net on the bloody gadget!
Apart from the organisational applications and the games, he also has the iToday (an online version of the TODAY newspaper) in it! Suddenly, i felt that i wanted one! I WANT AN iTouch... perhaps its already a lil passe for many but hello... a tech bimbo like me takes a lil while to get a hang of things like this and takes months to appreciate the beauty of gadgets. so hubby has informed me that they cost about $200 plus now... compared to me purchasing the gadget for him at about $400 plus i think. i mite just get me one soon... or if my darling hubby gets the hint...then...
aniways, busu have been sleeping over for the past week and we have both done quite a good job with the laundry that has been piling. i have finally cleared the kueh rayas from their containers and cleaned out my fridge.
these nearly 2 years of marriage has taught me many things. Taught me what it meant when someone says "you won't know a person until you are married". Even living together wasnt enough for someone to know about the other half as much as they wanted to. I admit, my marriage has its upheavals, it has its down side, but... it has it great moments as well. And sometimes, being human, we fail to notice the goodness of someone, the reasons why we chose our soulmates, why we fell in love with each other, and how blissful and wonderful we used to be. Don't get me wrong, hubby and i still enjoy all of that, but sometimes, we just get blinded by what is happening around us, to take notice the importance of just US.
we get too engrossed in hoping we will meet each others expectations, we wait impatiently for either one of us to give up our bad habits, we are constantly on the prowl in pointing out mistakes that we both make and we endlessly try the wrong ways to solve things. We try to play each others games, we try to work things out using each other's problem solving tactics, and we fail to realise that it will never work, and it only ended up making each other more frustrated.
i have always believed that communication is of utmost importance in a relationship. and i thought i was the perfect communicator in our marriage. I thought that hubby was the one who kept things bottled up and made things more difficult each time we were faced with a situation. Trying to be him, i decided to do things his way too, keeping things bottled up and keeping silent..but knowing me, my mouth doesnt stay shut that long. So, the bomb explodes.
I dint know, during my transition period, i was unapproachable as well. With both keeping mum, the tension intensified and ww3 nearly broke out. But i believe, one shouldnt give up so easily, should not flee at the first sign of trouble and if it was something you cared and loved for dearly, it is worth every penny, every sweat, every word and strength to work it out.
alhamdullilah, the obstacles that we faced, dint damper us. It made us stronger, it made us stand together as ONE fighting off the obstacles that comes. And sacrifices. as easy as it is to pronounce, it is something not easily executed. Its time we both made sacrifices in our life to make things a whole lot easier to get through. and have the initiative to remove the obstacles when needed.
and now, "i want to raise an issue", as i put up my hands and stare intently at hubby.
1 comment:
i want to raise an issue. how come you never sleep and do so much things that you could do when everyone is awake?!
and of course u can have the itouch. once you get me an iPhone.
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