a new year already. its bloody 2009! And with this brand new year, i hope and pray that this year will go by more smoothly, less chaotic and unpredictable and make my family even more closer than it was before.
It's a Partie!
Dad hit 65 last year and we honoured the day by throwing a small prayer session cum party with loved ones. Unfortunately, i did not manage to get him the golf cake this year. My old man received quite a good pool of presents this year including a Braun Buffel wallet and belt, a TekaTeka watch, Nike golf accessories and more golf tees for him...more clothes to wash for me!
Santa's Day....
Christmas was special too as we had a huge Saniff Family dinner at Carousel with about close to 30 of us attending that night. Sheer chaos, bitch fest, camera whoring, tummy piling gastronomic affair. It was good fun.
Back on the career track...
I got a job working for a teen golf academy in Singapore and am working at one of the country club range located in the East side. Traveling is a week bit troublesome due to the distance, but its tolerable. So far, so good. *fingers crossed*
Academic Status...
Schools is still on, final assignment due tonite and exams in 2 weeks. Yikes. I still remember how jittery i was sitting for the exams last year and since i am so used to typing, writing essays was a chore and it hurt my fingers so badly!! I wish we'd each be given a pc during exams, type out our answers, and hand in. This semester though, i had been a tad more lazy than i usually am and have missed several classes due to "appointments". Let's hope it wont take a toll on my exams.
Of sluts and bitches...
and, i have been wanting to give a married someone a tight slap for quite sometime already for her bitchiness and slutty-ness. But well, another tale for another day.
My favourite part time maid is giving me a difficult time by not ebing able to commit to coming over and overhauling my house anymore as she has taken on permanent employers. Me veri the sad. House veri the messy. sigh.
anione care to give a helping hand? No? Fine!
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