Tuesday, November 4, 2008

:: its all about me ::

PR was good yesterday.

MMR later - most likely gonna flunk. I cant digest all in one day.


I owe carpark attendant $8.40 too.

I miss halloween.

I am sad that my dad is coughing badly and has sharp pains in his ankle.

i tested for pregnancy yesterday and still negative.

i am beginning to become one with my couch at home - permanent indention of my butt on the middle cushion.

Visited bibik today, looked much better than before.

Found out that Nyai's house very condusive for studying - no computer, no internet and no cable TV. Superbly comfortable chairs - might consider to make it my personal study space.

spent $150 in voucher at gramaphone and purchased about 8 to 10 DVDs - Gods must be crazy 2 being one of them.

Im late for my period - prolly due to stress and a lil bout of depression.

and i miss mak. miss her a lot.

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